Forthcoming Event...

SPP Event MoneyHelper’s Pension Dashboard – A Demonstration

SPP Event MoneyHelper’s Pension Dashboard – A Demonstration


  • Jackie Spencer, Head of Money & Pensions Policy & Strategy, Money & Pensions Service
  • Adam Gifford, Senior Policy and Propositions Manager, Money & Pensions Service
  • Paul McGlone, Partner, Aon

Join us for an early opportunity to see a demonstration of the Money Helper Dashboard and hear directly from representatives of the Money and Pensions Service.  You will have the opportunity to understand visualise how the design is evolving and how testing is progressing.

 What to Expect:

  • Dashboard Demonstration: Explore the innovative MoneyHelper dashboard and see it in action.
  • Citizen Testing : Stay up to date with the latest developments and plans for user testing.
  • What is next?: Hear about the dashboard’s next steps and key considerations for scheme advisors.

Please note that this session is NOT being recorded, so if you wish to view the content please do join us on the day.