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SPP Scotland Meeting – September 2015: VAT and Pensions: The Latest Developments and Actions for DC and DB Schemes

  • September 3, 2015
  • 08.30-9.00
  • CMS Cameron Mckenna LLP, Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh; EH1 2EN


SPP Scotland seminar, covering the latest developments in VAT and pensions:

  • The PPG and ATP cases and their impact on DB and DC pension schemes
  • HMRC guidance
  • What trustees and employers should be doing and by when
  • What service providers should be doing
  • What to look out for in the future

This event will help clarify how the recent cases as interpreted in HMRC guidance should be applied by trustees, employers and advisers.

  • Keith Webster, Partner at CMS Cameron McKenna
  • John Wilson, Head of Technical, JLT Benefit Solutions, Chair of the SPP in Scotland and Head of the SPP sub-group on VAT

8.30 p.m. – Registration

9.00 – 10.00 a.m. – Seminar


CMS Cameron Mckenna LLP, Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh; EH1 2EN (Directions:


To register your interest, please e-mail John Wilson at


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Tags: Members Events, Public Events,

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SPP Scotland Meeting – September 2015: VAT and Pensions: The Latest Developments and Actions for DC and DB Schemes

SPP Scotland Meeting – September 2015: VAT and Pensions: The Latest Developments and Actions for DC and DB Schemes