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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultrices ex risus, tincidunt accumsan ex consectetur sit amet. Cras a gravida lorem. Nulla facilisi. Nulla vestibulum, ligula in placerat ultrices, nunc metus egestas metus, a ultrices velit ligula in urna. Fusce mattis fringilla facilisis. Suspendisse semper ex augue, et mattis massa semper non. Ut facilisis velit vitae eros volutpat porttitor. Vestibulum eget rhoncus purus. Nulla finibus ac lorem vel rutrum. In porttitor felis sapien, et pellentesque diam faucibus ac.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus diam elit, venenatis non ornare at, iaculis euismod purus. Pellentesque dignissim a nisi eget fermentum. Nunc pellentesque eget orci vel interdum. Vivamus a elit id felis luctus sodales. Vivamus sed nibh nec ante ultrices mattis vitae a sem. Maecenas sed purus pharetra, dapibus nisi non, consequat nulla. Nulla euismod ex et diam interdum porttitor. Nulla suscipit nunc massa, vitae tincidunt nisi tincidunt eget. Maecenas ut vestibulum tellus. Aliquam sed luctus lorem. Suspendisse ex leo, sodales a arcu ut, molestie ultricies velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque vitae ante ut velit tempus consequat ac sit amet massa.

What our members say

“If offered the opportunity to be an SPP member, grab it!


“A valuable benefit from such a broad church as the SPP is to be able to learn from people who occupy different niches and roles in the pensions industry as ourselves.”


“The SPP gives all members access to a fantastic range of events popular with pension professionals of all levels. The networking and CPD opportunities are great.”


“From the Pension Protection Fund’s point of view it’s really important that the society is there to help engage with their members to  develop good advice for schemes, good advice for trustees and really support them and their members in being able to deliver a good pensions future for all.”


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