SPP Evening Meeting, December 10th, 2019
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London Evening Meeting – December 2019: An Update on RPI Reform
- Date: December 10, 2019
- Time: 17.00-18.45
Insight Investment, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4LA
- Email: events@the-spp.co.uk
Hosted by:
Who can attend:
Attendance is normally restricted to staff of SPP Member organisations. However, if you would like to attend as our guest, please contact us to request a guest pass.
On this occasion bookings will be capped at a maximum of TEN per organisation on a strictly first come first served basis.
The subject of the evening will be “An Update on RPI Reform”.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid, announced on 4 September 2019 that there will be consultation early in 2020 to replace the retail price index (RPI) with CPIH (consumer price inflation including owner-occupied housing). Replacing RPI with CPIH without compensation would cut pensioners’ future income and could cost holders of index-linked gilts and other RPI-linked assets in excess of £100bn, dwarfing the Brexit bill. Jos Vermeulen, Head of Solution Design, and Robert Gall, Head of Market Strategy, at Insight Investment, will discuss the impact of such a move and highlight the action stakeholders can take in the upcoming consultation by the UK government.
Jos Vermeulen (Head of Solution Design, Insight Investment) and Robert Gall (Head of Market Strategy, Insight Investment)
5.00 p.m. – Registration and Refreshments
5.30 p.m. – Start of meeting
6.45 p.m. – The meeting is expected to end following questions and answers
6.45 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. – Refreshments will be served
CPD Accreditation:
- PMI: 1¼ hours under the PMI CPD Scheme
- Solicitors Regulation Authority: 1¼ hours (Reference 464329)
- Actuarial Profession: Attendance at this meeting could be considered towards the 10 hours external CPD required under the Actuarial Profession’s arrangements.
London evening meetings can be oversubscribed. Where we assess this to be likely, we will cap initial attendance at a maximum number per Member organisation (strictly first come first served). Any names in excess of this cap will be placed on a waiting list and we will be in touch if it proves possible to accommodate them.
As always, in the event of the expected attendance exceeding the capacity of the venue, we reserve the right to decline bookings.