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London Evening Meeting: LGPS Reforms – Governance Brings Public and Private Closer
- Date: September 16, 2014
- Time: 17.00-18.50
America Square Conference Centre, 1 America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB
LGPS Reforms – Governance Brings Public and Private Closer.
“Could the private and public sector learn from each other? A unique perspective on the differences and similarities between public and private pension funds.”
Barry Mack (Hymans Robertson)
5.00 p.m. – Registration and refreshments
6.45 p.m. – The meeting is expected to end following questions and answers
CPD Accreditation:
- PMI: 1¼ hours under the PMI CPD Scheme
- Solicitors Regulation Authority: 1¼ hours (Reference 464329)
- Actuarial Profession: Attendance at this meeting could be considered towards the 10 hours external CPD required under the Actuarial Profession’s arrangements.
London evening meetings can be oversubscribed. Where we assess this to be likely, we will cap initial attendance at a maximum of ten per Member organisation. Any names in excess of ten will be placed on a waiting list and we will be in touch if it proves possible to accommodate them.
As always, in the event of the expected attendance exceeding the capacity of the venue, we reserve the right to decline bookings.