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SPP Annual Conference 2015 – Pensions Pre-Election

  • Date: March 3, 2015
  • Time: 8.30-13.00
  • Location:

    Hogan Lovells International LLP, Atlantic House, 50 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG

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 Book your places now at the SPP Conference

March 3rd, 2015

Pensions Pre-Election

We are pleased to announce that bookings are now open for the 2015 SPP Conference.

This event is an exclusive benefit for SPP Members and their clients.  There is no charge for attendance.

Highlights are:
  • A pre- General Election debate between Pensions Minister Steve Webb and his Labour Shadow Gregg McClymont.
  • The opportunity to learn more about the new SPP research publication – The Allocation Illusion – which highlights significant differences between widespread perceptions and the realities on exposures in dc default equity allocations.
  • Insights from Andrew Tunningley (BlackRock) on fiduciary management.
  • Leading-edge thinking from Andrew Parker (Law Debenture), Roger Mattingly (PAN Trustees) and Steve Delo (PAN Trustees) on scheme governance.


This is a half-day event

0830: Registration

0900: Conference begins

1300: Conference ends


The Auditorium at:

Hogan Lovells International LLP
Atlantic House
50 Holborn Viaduct
London EC1A 2FG


The Conference carries 3.5 CPD hours


Each SPP Member organisation may book a maximum of ten places – first come, first served.  We look forward to your booking today.


SPP Annual Conference 2015 – Pensions Pre-Election