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SPP Conference 2017: Sustainability, Fairness and Engagement

Conceived by

Hosted by


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 Book your places now at the SPP Conference

September 11th, 2017

Bookings are open for the 2017 SPP Conference.

This event is an exclusive benefit for SPP Members and their clients.  There is no charge for attendance.


Presentations on “What Does Good Trusteeship Look Like?” and “Cyber Security”.

Panel discussions on “Sustainability of DB Schemes” and “Consumer Engagement with Retirement Saving”.

Confirmed Speakers and Panel Members:

  • Hugh Nolan (President, SPP)
  • Andy Cork (Counsel, Allen & Overy LLP)
  • Jonathan Stapleton (Editor-in-Chief, Professional Pensions and Workplace Savings & Benefits)
  • Naomi L’Estrange (Director, 2020 Trustees)
  • Fiona Frobisher (Head of Policy, Pensions Regulator)
  • Alan Pickering (Chairman, BesTrustees)
  • Graham McLean (Head of Scheme Funding, Willis Towers Watson)
  • Matt Hawley (Cyber Security, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP)
  • Sam Brodbeck (Senior Financial Reporter, Telegraph Media Group)
  • Meredith Gibson (Chair, Trustees’ Engagement Sub-Committee, Citi UK Pension Plans)
  • Gemma Godfrey (Founder and CEO,
  • Darren Philp (Director of Policy and Market Engagement, The People’s Pension)

For the full programme, please click here.


This is a half-day event

0830: Registration

0900: Conference begins

1245: Conference ends followed by drinks and canapés.


The Auditorium at:

Allen & Overy LLP
One Bishops Square
London E1 6AD


The Conference carries 3.5 CPD hours


We will cap initial attendance at a maximum of ten per Member organisation on a first come first served basis. Any names in excess of ten will be placed on a waiting list and we will be in touch if it proves possible to accommodate them.

Categories: All,

Tags: Members Events, Public Events,

Committees: GCEM,

SPP Conference 2017: Sustainability, Fairness and Engagement

SPP Conference 2017: Sustainability, Fairness and Engagement