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SPP Event LDI – best practice for differing long-term DB strategies
- Date: December 4, 2024
- Time: 9:00-10:15
SPP Event LDI – best practice for differing long-term DB strategies
- Callum Duffy, Senior Solution Designer, Insight Investment
- Simon Bentley, Managing Director, Head of UK Solutions Client Portfolio Management, Columbia Threadneedle
- Hemal Popat, Partner, Investments, Mercer
- Rosalind Scott-Douglas, Investment Director, Broadstone Corporate Benefits Limited (Chair)
Join our expert panel to explore where Liability-Driven Investment (LDI) is now and where it is going as a pension investment tool. In the context of the current DB funding and policy environment, and now, a few years after the gilts crisis, we will examine LDI as a tool in DB run-on and from a buy-out perspective. Our diverse panel brings together asset managers, a senior investment consultant and an actuary, to consider the future of LDI.

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