Forthcoming Event...

SPP Event Pension Savings Gap

SPP Event Pension Savings Gap


  • Suzy Morrissey, Deputy Director, Pensions Policy Institute (PPI)
  • Hayley James, Senior Research Fellow, Centre of Personal Financial Wellbeing, Aston University
  • Charlotte Feld, Consultant, Travers Smith LLP
  • Olasumbo Biobaku-Mason, Head of DC Member Proposition, Legal and General Investment Management
  • Daniel Gerring, Partner, Travers Smith LLP

Join us for an insightful discussion on Pension Savings Gaps and the solutions needed to close them.

This event brings together an expert panel, including representatives from the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI), a researcher from Aston University, and prominent voices from the pensions industry with diverse lived experience. Together, we will explore:

  • The key pension gaps, underlying statistics, and data limitations.
  • The behavioural and cultural factors driving disparities.
  • Disability-related barriers to saving.
  • The ethnicity savings gap and its implications.
  • Unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Importantly, we will look at the practical actions schemes can take to address these savings gaps.