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SPP Roundtable – “Modern Trusteeship”

  • Date: November 28, 2016
  • Time: 9.30 - 12.30 (followed by hot buffet lunch)
  • Location:

    DLA Piper UK LLP, 3 Noble Street, London EC2V 7EE

Hosted by:


Theme & Facilitators:

The theme is “Modern Trusteeship” and the facilitators are:

  • Andrew Warwick-Thompson (Executive Director, Defined Contribution and Public Service Pension Schemes, The Pensions Regulator)
  • Roger Mattingly (Managing Director, PAN Trustees Limited)


DLA Piper UK LLP, 3 Noble Street, London EC2V 7EE

Cost and Booking:

The attendance charge is £200.00 (SPP is not registered for VAT).

We look forward to receiving your organisation’s booking by completing the booking slip available here or by using the online booking form and informing us of:

  • Name of attender
  • Specific Topics to Discuss
  • Name of Organisation
  • Email Address
  • Contact Telephone Number


0930 – Coffee and Registration

1000 – Roundtable

1230 – Buffet Lunch


The Roundtable is accredited with up to 2½ hours under the PMI CPD Scheme, and might be relevant to other professions’ CPD requirements.

Further Details:

The focus will be on the implications of the regulatory and broader financial and commercial environment, within which trustees now carry out their role.

The aim is to stimulate high level discussion among senior policy makers within SPP members.

The Roundtable is not planned to be a large event. Attendance will initially be limited to one person from each SPP member, strictly on a first come, first served basis, but if you would like more than one person to attend, subject to space, please let us know. Please only send payment for the primary attender. We will bill the second attender when we are sure a place is definitely available.

Do not miss this opportunity for an informal Roundtable discussion led by these eminently qualified facilitators.

As one of the facilitators at a recent Roundtable said

The Roundtable is a great opportunity for colleagues to have a frank discussion of key issues and to gain insights on how these can be dealt with.  I would highly recommend attending.


Categories: All,

Tags: Members Events, Public Events,

Committees: GCEM,

SPP Roundtable – “Modern Trusteeship”